Painting Smarter with Color Tools
We always recommend using a high quality paint from professional paint stores, such as Mautz, Sherwin Williams, Hallman Lindsay or Benjamin Moore. If you choose to use the color tools offered below we can match them to any brand of paint you want, although we don't recommend it. We can also match any color you currently have. Some customers prefer to use a big box brand of paint for personal reasons and that's okay, just be sure to check the terms of their warranty. Unfortunately we are unable to offer our three year warranty if you choose to do so.
Megna Painting Pinterest Board
Visit out Pinterest site for inspiration and color coordination ideas in different living areas of your home. You will also find some helpful hints and tips for the DIY enthusiast.
ColorSnap Mobile Visualizer
by Sherwin-Williams
ColorSnap Mobile Visualizer is an awesome tool from Sherwin Williams that lets you snap a photo with your phone and match the color of the space using paint colors from the paint store.
ColorSnap Desktop Visualizer
by Sherwin-Williams
ColorSnap Web Visualizer is a helpful tool for changing the color of a room without ever putting on the paint.
Color Sense game by PPG
The color sense game is a fun way to find the color style that represents you best. Play with your significant other as a fun way to see each others style, and get a better sense of the colors you desire.